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A Loving Father

A Loving Father


I am the girl who didn’t have a loving father. We all know that girl, and some of us are also that girl. I spent so much time trying to convince my dad that I was worth loving. But, I could never see the happiness in his eyes when I was with him. I spent a whole childhood believing I wasn’t smart enough, beautiful enough, or capable enough to receive his approval.

It took a long time to learn that my father didn’t deserve me. That this role really didn’t belong to him, and I could reassign it to someone else. That I was strong enough and loved myself enough to let go of a relationship that had been hurting me for so long. Occasionally, I feel empty for the love that I do not have, but mostly I feel free. I have peace.

My heart smiles for Waylin, because she is blessed with a dad that will never make her doubt her importance, her worth, and that she is always deserving of love, approval, and validation. She will be told the truth about how enough she is, because he is genuinely proud of her. I am so thankful for you, Ben. It gives me the greatest comfort knowing she will be loved forever by her dad.

Happy Father’s Day! ❤️

One last thing...are you really even a dad if you don’t slam dunk with your daughter? 🏀

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