

💍 | WIFEY.
⌨️ | BLOGGER. 

If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies 🦋

If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies 🦋

I think quarantine is taking its toll on a lot of people at this point. It’s become such a volatile political topic and a lot of people are struggling. I feel very fortunate that myself and Ben have not been financially hurt by the interruption to our daily life that this virus has caused. I miss being able to go to the grocery store with Waylin whenever I want. I miss sitting down in a restaurant and being served by a real person and not a drive-thru window. I miss seeing my family and friends the most.

It’s an eerie feeling being in a grocery store with pre-sanitized carts and everyone mandated to wear masks. There’s arrows on all the aisles with signs warning you to keep 6ft apart. The amount of dirty gloves littered all over the parking lot is just appalling. All of this for something that no one really knows the extent of. I am not saying I don’t believe that Coronavirus isn’t real. I think it’s a real virus, but there are so many lies surrounding it. Everyone is so focused on portraying death rate numbers, but no one is showing the success rates. Everyone is commenting on how hospital beds are full, but that’s not true locally. I feel sad for the folks that suffer from mental illness and need human interaction to feel normal. I also feel bad for all the kids that used school as a safe haven in place of their homes where they may be abused or unfed.

It’s all sad and frustrating.

In light of all our changing times, I found this quote to be very comforting:

If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies

One particular beautiful evening, we were outside pretty late at night. It’s been kind of thing for us lately, and it reminds me of my childhood a lot. I spent a lot of time outside and most nights it was right up until bedtime. I love that Waylin enjoys being out while the sun is setting. 🌇 I would argue that time creates the most beautiful memories for us.


Waylin and I were hanging out in the backyard watching Ben try out his new zero-turn mower. Waylin really enjoyed riding around and i even took it for a spin. However, after having it for less than a couple hours, Ben decided that he doesn’t like it! I spent WEEKS, if not MONTHS, listening to him talk about this mower and how badly we needed this exact one. I heard about the transmission, the speed, the model, the markdown, etc…nearly everything little thing about this mower all to have it taken back! 🤦‍♀️ #marriage

While he was still trying to decide if he liked it, we found a butterfly! It was so special!

It was so neat! The butterfly kept landing on the house right next to us! I love in the video when she told me she wanted to touch it and she tried to jump up to reach it! ❤ That was the sweetest thing ever!

The following week, Waylin and I were outside taking care of our mini garden when we saw more butterflies! I can’t say that they are the same, but what are the chances that they look similar and they were landing on the same areas of our house a week later?


We ordered a “grow your own butterfly” kit at home and hope to have an update on our new “homegrown” butterflies soon! 🦋 Maybe they can all be friends!

Good Food and a Warm Kitchen

Good Food and a Warm Kitchen

I love you a lily more each day

I love you a lily more each day