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Love at frost sight

Love at frost sight

Do you remember that little flutter you’d feel in your chest when the first big snow would land on the ground? That irresistible urge to run outside wearing no coat and no gloves to see snowflakes fall quietly from the sky and land on your eyelashes…ahh yes, that feeling. I remember the dizziness of suddenly falling backwards until my body hit the icy cold snow as I fluttered my body around to make the most perfect snow angel…the first of many, I was sure. ❄

I’m sure this seemingly harmonious nostalgia was not my immediate reaction when I saw snow for the first time. At least, that might not have been the case for Waylin:

This was her first time getting to see snow, and you can tell she was a little unsure about the snowflakes falling down, but she did her best to give me a smile!


Recently, Waylin has been doing snow angels on carpet. I think she’s been gearing up for the next big snow! We have been practicing in the living room for a couple weeks now, and for special effect purposes, we do snow angels within a sea of legos. 😂 #shesapro

The thing about Illinois weather is: it does it’s own thing. We can (and often do) experience all four seasons in one day. Going along with that, you never really know if you need a snowsuit or not. I mean, when I was growing up, I would have a snowsuit, but I would still run out in shorts, my mom’s boots, and a sweater to make a snow angel. #immunesystemoperatingat100%


Waylin and I went to Aldi for our weekly grocery store outing and they happened to have snowsuits and matching snow boots for $12 each! I almost put them back, but ultimately decided that there was snow chance I was missing out on that deal! ❄


Gosh! You would have thought that I bought the BEST toy at the store! She was so excited to put them all on. I barely had time to put away our groceries before I was helping cut tags and tighten the straps for her!

Our Halloween snow didn’t stick around too long, so we actually went outside and made leaf angels….ya know, for quality control. 🍂 It was “snow” much fun! I laid next to her in semi-stiff grass looking at her smiling as she waved her arms up and down moving all the leaves around. One of my favorite TV shows of all time is “The Office.” There’s a scene at Jim and Pam’s wedding where they take “mental pictures” with an imaginary camera to signify that they want to remember this moment forever. Ever since I’ve watched that episode, I tend to do the same. When she noticed that I was just taking it all in, she would say “Do it!” to ensure that I got to be part of the memory too.


I came across this quote from E.A. Bucchianeri: The most beautiful moments always seemed to accelerate and slip beyond one’s grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible.

At this point, I know all too well that time flies whether you’re wasting it or not. I know this past year, I’ve really stepped up posting on a much more frequent basis, and I think my thoughts about time influence that. All of these little moment are so important to me. I mean, when you get down to it, this post is about a snowsuit we bought on a whim at Aldi. This little part of my day was meaningful to me…and probably to her too! ❤


There’s a reason why you hear “You’re going to miss this” when you become a parent. I will forever want to go back to yesterday, 10 months ago, heck even to the day I gave birth. But, I also get excited for her future and the adventures we have yet to conquer. Because I straddle those two realities, the compromise is to simply appreciate every single moment as they come. 😍

Buuut, please hollar if you’re found a way to construct a time machine out of a car seat and some legos. 🙏

Until then, snowfall and winter gives us more reasons to cuddle. And Waylin will be patiently waiting for that one big snow ❤

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Chip and Joanna Who?

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