

💍 | WIFEY.
⌨️ | BLOGGER. 

No One Ate The Macaroni Salad

No One Ate The Macaroni Salad

Ben and I both have childhood memories of our parents corralling us outside for a family picnic. I’d call it a 90s thing, but people have been picnicking forever. I know my mum would spread a big blanket out at a local park or our backyard and sit a bucket of KFC chicken, biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy and all the other fixings/utensils in the middle. Of course, we also had PB&J or deli sandwich picnics too, but the KFC ones were definitely a treat…salty, but a treat for sure!

We are still teleworking, and I am having to come up with more inventive ideas to cure boredom. I can’t blame her! It’s still a long day for her, especially when her mama is around, but can’t always be accessible because I have to work. My job is intense and very involved, so there are times where I just can’t entertain her. One day, I turned around in my makeshift office to see her looking like this:


That poor little “coworker” of mine! She was playdoh-ed, colored, and toy-ed out and it was barely lunch time! Even just looking at this picture makes me want to “sigh” lol. I came up with the idea of having a “company picnic” outside!

We had leftover tacos from last night’s dinner and we sat outside in the sun. We talked about all of our favorite things. She has become quite the talker since I started teleworking, and I could cry about it because it was an insecurity of mine as a mother. ❤ She told me she loves tacos, fish (swimmy fish, not food fish lol), apple juice, me, hats, pepperonis, and picnics.


It was a huuuuge hit! I mean HUGE! We played outside after we were done eating and ended up wearing ourselves out before nap time!

We also had a sunset picnic for dinner a week later! Ben wasn’t home and he was grabbing dinner somewhere else, so it was up to me to figure out what Waylin and I were going to eat. It was kind of late for dinner and we had been snacking most of the day, so I made a charcuterie board for dinner! ❤

Charcuterie boards are really popular right now with millennials, even though they don’t originate with my generation. In case that term doesn’t age well, a charcuterie board is an assortment of meats that are paired with different things, such as toast, fruit, cheese, and sauces. But, it can literally be anything you want! Just chop it up into bite-sized pieces and eat it off a plate or board.


It was so much fun!

I actually let her go outside barefoot for this picnic, because that’s how I grew up and I continue to live my life as an adult….😁 She was unsure about it at first and kept telling me we forgot her boots, but I told her to try it…she’s hooked! 😂 She told me how good it felt on the blanket, the patio, and the grass as we ate tomato slices and mozzarella cheese bites!


Look how comfortable she looks! ❤

I have a feeling we will be hosting a lot of “company picnics” during this quarantine! We’ve already done an indoor picnic on the kitchen floor with a blanket when it was rainy.

I can’t wait for this summer and warmer weather ahead! 🌞

Banana Pancakes & Coffee

Banana Pancakes & Coffee

Class is in Session

Class is in Session