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Oh Crap!

Oh Crap!

You can probably tell from the numerous posts I write that I don’t know what I am doing. I know we all just figure it out as we go, but the idea of potty training is especially overwhelming. I feel physical fear thinking about what I am going to do if we are out somewhere in public and she has to use the bathroom. I’ve googled a bunch of different things you can arm yourself with for public potty training sessions, but I’d need like an oversized gym bag for a purse to carry my own toilet seat around!

I’ve always heard that “you’ll know when they are ready.” Ah, it’s that mom instinct again. Well, my signal is fuzzy because I’m nervous about undertaking this job…mostly by myself too. I don’t think there will ever be a situation where Ben has to take Waylin to the bathroom…or worse in a men’s restroom. He would probably tell her to pee on the side of a country road on the way home instead! 🤣


The first weekend in March is when I was planning on starting. Waylin told me she was excited to use her potty and get surprises for going potty. She started showing interest at least once a day telling me that she needed to use the potty, so I thought “let’s try this!”

Here’s how motherhood (in a nutshell) goes:

Me: I have a plan!

The Universe: Nah, girl.

😭😭😭 Ain’t it cruel, though?!

My plan was to go sit on the potty every 1-2 hours to get used to the idea that we have to “go” somewhere “to go.” Welp, after the first time, she wasn’t having it. And when she would sit, she would sit for so long that her butt was red from the seat (and nothing to show for it!) It was a shit show (without the shit 💩). By dinner time, I just threw my hands up in the air and figured I needed a new plan for the next day because this wasn’t working.


And that’s when the Universe laughed at me trying to come up with another plan. Because little did I know, Ben wanted to go on a 7 hour road trip to look at a 80 something IROC in Indiana. I mean, financially, I don’t know why that would even be a thought, but I am an F-body fool, so we packed up the car and went.

Waylin was great! But, my “plan” had no provisions for when we are on a road trip. 🤷‍♀️

You would laugh because we literally drove 3.5 hours there, got out of the car at the guy’s house for 10 minutes and then got back in the car and drove back home for another 3.5 hours…with one donut stop in Danville, of course.

Oh, speaking of that…they have a weird policy about needed a key code to use their bathroom. Ya’ll, it’s like a six digit code! When I saw the girl enter it in for me, I was thinking she was going to open the door to a toilet from the Royal Palace…instead, it was a royal disaster in there. And no place to change a diaper (not that I like using those things without a shit ton of paper towels covering every inch of plastic). I actually changed Waylin’s diaper while she stood up on the tops of my shoes as we talked about the dead bug laying on the floor nearby. 🤮

I just need to remind myself that training to do anything takes a lot of time and preparation. One of my favorite lyrics from an Atmosphere song is “Every day can't be the best day".” I tell myself this whenever I’ve just had a day that was out of my control. We will keep trying and see where that takes us!

Until then, all the 🤙🏻 G O O D 💕 V I B E S 🤙🏻 are welcome over here!

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