

💍 | WIFEY.
⌨️ | BLOGGER. 

Help is on the Way!

Help is on the Way!

I’m a Sagittarius, and I lightly believe that there are some meaningful insights as to who we are through our zodiac sign. One of the most common things I have read about my own “kind” is that we have a hard time asking for help. Boy, if Ben is reading this right now, I know he is shaking his head up and down in agreement. 🤣

You know what’s kinda funny and kinda embarrassing. Right at this exact moment, I learned what Zodiac sign Waylin is! This whole time I thought she was a Scorpio like her dad…Nope! She’s a Libra! Libras are known for being humanitarians; they love to help others. This completely describes Waylin’s personality! I actually feel very blessed knowing that I have a hard time asking for help and the Universe gives me a daughter who will say “What can I do to help?

* twilight music, I hear you *


I’ve seen all the jokes about moms cleaning up an area and then a tornado of sticky fingers comes through and we’re back to destruction. I live to tell you that that description is accurate. 🤣 The only way to come out ahead of the storm is to involve your kids in the cleaning. I’m lucky that Waylin likes to vacuum…mostly walls, but one day we will focus on the floor! Either way, I am very thankful for her help!


It’s also preeeetty fun once you find our what the button on the Swiffer does! #lookoutforpuddlesofcleaningsolution She actually did a really great job mopping the floor with me. I need to keep her in mind when I tackle this job again!

Ben has always been my mechanic. I am very thankful to be married to a man that knows how to do everything. He actually taught me how to change my own oil when I was 16, and I’m sure he will do the same for Waylin when she’s ready to drive. He always helps solve all of my problems, especially the ones where I am imitating car sounds, shakes, and screeches.

You may have thought Way was just your typical Cinderella cleaning the floors, but she can also help rotate your tires! 💪


She enjoyed cranking the tire iron and letting the car down off the jack!


It is my hope that she learns all kinds of things about “how to adult”, because LAWD KNOWS schools aren’t teaching kids how to change a tire or a battery or how to balance a checkbook, Kids these days don’t get lessons in “street smarts.” I want her to know how to make gravy for Thanksgiving and sew a button back onto a shirt. I want her to know what to do when she has a sore throat or how to change the filter on her HVAC system.

I know Google is the instructor for all of those things these days. Ben would laugh because I literally say “Google it” whenever he asks me something that I don’t know about.


This night, she was so excited to help put oil in my car, even though mother nature was spitting on us! She enjoyed seeing it go down the funnel and throwing the empty bottles into the trash. This is the epitome of being a kid. Every little thing is an adventure! I try to always keep that in mind when we are doing something. The world is still so new to her, and I love introducing her to new things!

By now, you can gather that Ben is a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy. If he doesn’t know how to do something, he figures it out and does it perfectly! I am actually very envious of his skills, because I don’t do everything great the first time around. You may be thinking: what CAN’T he do? And I actually have an answer for that!

He C A N N O T kill spiders. I know, I know! This poor wife has to kill them herself! 🤣 I can’t just stand on the couch and point to it yelling “Ew! Get it, Ben!” I have to actually go kill the spider because he is terrified of them! I don’t like them either, but I also don’t want them crawling on my walls…or WORSE, in my mouth when I’m sleeping! 😮

Enter Waylin, the best “bad buggy” killer ever known to man. 🕷


She will swat, stomp, and smack your bad bugs away! Her prices are very reasonable too!

This past Fall, we had a big cricket population hiding out in our garage. All we had to do is hand this kid a fly swatter and wish her good luck! 🤣 I actually remember really liking crickets when I was a kid. I used to collect them on the playground at school and put them in a terrarium. That is…until they either died or started populating and my teacher was not cool with that!

I don’t know why this one memory sticks out, but I remember finding a B I G D A D D Y C R I C K E T on the playground one day. It was the biggest cricket I had ever seen. If I didn’t act quick, it would hop away and I would lose my prize! I swooped down to grab him and missed. He hopped a couple feet forward. I lunged towards him and lost my balance. My knees fell on the concrete and SMASHED “Big Daddy” all over my jeans. All of his guts were smeared on me.

LOL, I feel like I just told an old fishermen’s tale about “the one that got away”, except I was the killer in the story!

At the end of the day, I am so proud of this little girl and all these little memories that make up who she is. ❤

Terribly Terrific

Terribly Terrific

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