

💍 | WIFEY.
⌨️ | BLOGGER. 

There ain't no rust on this happiness bus

There ain't no rust on this happiness bus



I dressed Way up in her new Harley dress, pink moto leather jacket, and her cowboy boots for a day spent at Grandma’s house! I have tried to work on getting her to say “Trick or Treat” for about a month prior to this day! She says, “Tick Tee” lol…That works!


Lindsay, my SIL, got her these cowboy boots and they are so adorable! Waylin is obsessed with them! They are actually a little too big, but I literally cannot stop her from wearing them. MIL and I both think that she is going to be a “shoe girl” when she grows up! 😁


Yeah, baby! ☎ We dressed up like hippies!

Ben has an obsession with hippie wigs. If you don’t remember our adventure in Mattoon where we put wigs on and ordered ice cream at a drive-thru, you can read it here. He reeeeally gets into character! We had this bellbottom romper that we didn’t use for her recent photoshoot, so I decided to just use things we had at home for Halloween. We bought a couple of accessories, but we just wore clothes we already owned.

We kept Halloween pretty low key again this year. I know next year we will do the full experience of knocking on doors in a neighborhood. We went to go visit my grandpa first. He always passes out candy no matter what! The past few years he finds someone to help him since he can’t get up and down easily. I told him to make sure he saves the good candy for us!


You can see in the background of the picture that it was actually snowing on Halloween! Some of the small towns around us postponed Trick or Treat hours until the next day, and the entire internet lost their mind over it. Everyone was complaining how “back in MY day we went no matter what” like us 90s babies are senior citizens now! 🤣

We made sure to stop by the Crowley pumpkin display on the way to my in-laws. We have made a point to see it every year since Waylin was born: as a newborn, as a 11 month old still in her car seat, and now as an almost 2 year old in the front seat (yep, I do “bad mom” things!) It’s always really cool to see hundreds of carved pumpkins lit up in the woods! 🎃

Pam always has the * B E S T * Halloween “candy.” I put candy in quotations because she fills her basket up with all kinds of snacks, flashlights, glowsticks, etc. You can see it in the picture below! It’s a heaping pile of goodness! In fact, Waylin didn’t even bring home more than 6 pieces of candy (she has failed us - the parents - greatly! 🤣 jk). 3 of those 6 pieces were Twizzlers, so they don’t even count!


Ben wore this wig around the house a few times prior to Halloween. He would tell you it was for practice, but I secretly think he likes the way this hair looks on him! And honestly, I love it too! 😍 He’s always messing with the hair and it makes me laugh so much! I am so glad MIL took this photo so I can remember what he looks like when he’s walking around the house making sure his part is juuuust right. 🤣


FUNNY STORY: The picture below shows Ben and I giving peace signs to my in-laws. Notice Ben’s hands compared to mine. How is this man almost 36 years old and he doesn’t know how to flash a peace sign?! 😂 My in-laws and I were laughing so hard! ✌


Waylin is such a little goof and I love it! ❤ We put my wig on her for a little bit, and we were all obsessing over her! She loves to look at herself in this mirror at my MIL’s house. To me, she looked like a little “My Size Barbie” from the 90s! I just did a quick search and you can totally get them on eBay! #socool

She LOVED wearing the peace sign necklaces! She always sees me put my necklace on in the morning and sometimes she asks me to put it on her. I tell her all the time that one day Daddy will buy her her own necklace to wear! ❤


Waylin also got to take home a little Trick or Treat bag from daycare which was donated by Fisher National Bank. It was the best gift bag I have ever seen! So much thought went into making sure it was age appropriate and it had THE BEST snacks and this cute little mask too! She put the mask on and immediately started doing “monster arms” and whispering “roaaaar” at me!

I did the most “old lady” thing ever. I actually emailed (that’s modern, right?) the bank who donated the gift bags and thanked them for supporting her daycare. I told them how much I appreciated their thought and care for our community. If that wasn’t “old biddy” of me, I also told them that I would be moving all of my accounts from Chase to their bank! 🤣


Overall, Halloween was a lot of fun! I can’t wait to go all out with a family costume next year!

Aaaaaaand we will make sure that Waylin knows to go for the good candy when we go trick or treating…because mama needs her fix of Reese’s! 🎃

99% in Height, 100% in Beauty

99% in Height, 100% in Beauty

'tis the night called Hallows Eve

'tis the night called Hallows Eve