

💍 | WIFEY.
⌨️ | BLOGGER. 

Put the petal to the metal

Put the petal to the metal

I’ve told many boyfriends in the past that if you buy me flowers, I will break up with you. 😂 No joke! Why?

🅰️: Flowers are a waste of money.
🅱️: You are forcing me to take care of something that is DESTINED TO DIE anyway.

Finally, as a 32 year old woman, my cold green thumb has softened. 🌱

About 6 months ago, I was feeling down about a lot of things. On one particular trip to Harvest Market, Waylin urged me to buy some flowers. I didn’t have it in my heart to try to explain A and B above to her. So, cha-ching ring a ding ding. 💸 We brought the flowers home!


I showed her the good ole fashioned “beer-mug-turned-vase” trick, fed the flowers some of that powdery crystal stuff and we sat them on the kitchen table. I can’t really explain it, but I have been monumentally happier having fresh flowers in my home! So much so, we now buy them regularly. Waylin always picks the bunch we will bring home to assist in their timely death. 😂

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I know some people can feel very unloved. This is a reminder that you can always try to love YOU, even when it feels like no one else can. Some days it is hard to. Sometimes it takes weeks and months to feel it. Sometimes you just fall off the path unexpectedly. The best place to start is to do something kind for yourself. ❤️

If you’re feeling off, buy yourself some flowers. I promise, you will still feel happy after you assassinate them. 💀 🌸 💀

Do your thing, Chicken Wing

Do your thing, Chicken Wing

You can't buy happiness but you can buy donuts

You can't buy happiness but you can buy donuts